• Emergency Case

    If you need a doctor urgently outside of medicenter opening hours, call emergency appointment number for emergency service.
  • Doctors Timetable

    Here at medicenter we have individual doctor's lists. Click read more below to see services and current timetable for our doctors.
  • Opening Hours

    • Monday - Thursday
      8.00 - 17.00
    • Friday
      9.00 - 18.00
    • Saturday
      9.30 - 17.30
    • Sunday
      9.30 - 15.00

Welcome to Medicenter

Medicenter holds the privilage of being Chicago's first choice hospital

Since its founding we become an integral part of the city, advancing our mission of providing access to compassionate care to our communities. Today patients find care that combines world-class medicine with compassion.

  • Medicenter is a people centered environment – which means you are at the center of everything we do and every decision we make.
  • We are your partner for health, helping your live well by bringing the best in medicine and healthcare to your door.
  • We provide fast, effective and affordable immediate care for non-life threatening illnesses. Most patients are seen, treated and released in about 60 minutes.

In case of emergency call (510) 210-5225OR SEND US A MESSAGE





We Value Your Family's
Health and Your Time

Welcome to Medicenter a full-service diagnostic center and medical care clinic located on the north side of Chicago in the historic neighborhood. We provide fast effective and affordable treatment for non-life threatening illnesses and injuries that need attention right away by certified specialists.

    • زراعة الصمام الابهر عن طريق القسطرة

      زراعة الصمام الابهر عن طريق القسطرة

      زراعة الصمام الأبهري بالقسطرة وبدون جراحة هو الملاذ الآمن للمرضى الذين يحتاجون لتبديل الصمام الأبهري بدون وجراحات فتح الصدر وغيرها من الطرق البديلة التي قد تزعج المريض.

    • زراعة الشرايين التاجية بالمنظار

      زراعة الشرايين التاجية بالمنظار

      قام الدكتور عبد الحكيم ديه بإجراء اول عملية زراعة الشرايين التاجية بالمنظار في الأردن والشرق الأوسط، حيث تمكن الدكتور عبد الحكيم ديه من إجراء العملية دون قص القفص الصدري أو ما يسمى بعملية القلب المفتوح، وتكللت العملية بنجاح وأصبح الأردن بذلك مقصدا طبيا متميزا لإجراء هذا النوع من العمليات.

    • ترميم الصمام التاجي بالمنظار

      ترميم الصمام التاجي بالمنظار

      يمكن إصلاح الصمام التاجي عن طريق إعادة بناء أنسجة الصمام الأصلي لاستعادة بنية الصمامات الطبيعية ووظيفتها لأن الصمام التاجي هو صمام القلب الأكثر شيوعًا الذي يتم إصلاحه، حيث يُفضل إصلاح الصمام التاجي على استبداله إلى حد كبير لأن الصمام التاجي الأصلي يرتبط ارتباطًا وثيقًا بهيكل البطين الأيسر.

Family Birth Center

Leading Edge Care for Mom and Baby

The Family Birth Center at Medicenter is a unique, full-service facility offering moms-to-be leading edge care in a comfortable, nurturing setting. We offer care through delivery and post-natal treatment to ensure you a happy and the best possible birthing experience.

Remember the stay well 92%
Rate the kitchen well 85%
Benefited from classes 65%

Learn why is it worth it

Medicenter Immediate Care Facilities Provide Quick Care and Relief

No appointment needed, most patients are seen, treated and released in about 60 minutes. Certified and experienced MD physicians not nurses and on site diagnostic tests with lab.

  • Behavioral health
  • Earaches of infections
  • Broken bones
  • Minor burns
  • Minor cuts and wounds
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Upset stomach
  • Flue and more…

Meet the Team

Is it the people who make Medicenter what it is and we are extremely proud of the achievements of our
staff. We all work together to help our patients through recovery, providing the best possible care.

Our story

Care and Relief

No appointment needed, most patients are seen, treated and released in about 60 minutes. Certified and experienced MD physicans not nurses and on site diagnostic tests with lab.



Licensed Professionals

Urgent care physicians and nurses offer high-quanlity care. They are licensed and recognized as reputable members of the healthcare industry.


The Benefits

Cost Effective

The cost of seeing a physician at a medical immediate care facility will be much more affordable than seeing a physician in an emergency room.


Why Choose Us

It is the people who make Medicenter what it is and we are extremely proud of the archievements of our
staff. We all work together to help our patients through recovery, providing the best possible care.

  • Blood clotting disorder

    Donec ipsum diam, pretium mollis dapibus risus. Nullam dolor nibh pulvinar at interdum eget.

  • Generics strategies

    Donec ipsum diam, pretium mollis dapibus risus. Nullam dolor nibh pulvinar at interdum eget.

  • Wound healing genes

    Donec ipsum diam, pretium mollis dapibus risus. Nullam dolor nibh pulvinar at interdum eget.

  • Springtime allergies

    Donec ipsum diam, pretium mollis dapibus risus. Nullam dolor nibh pulvinar at interdum eget.

  • Studies of genetic

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  • Muscle fitness

    Donec ipsum diam, pretium mollis dapibus risus. Nullam dolor nibh pulvinar at interdum eget.

  • In Case of Emergency Call (510) 210-5225

    Please remember we care about your privacy.

  • 2702 Memory Lane Chicago, IL 60605

    Check duty hours of doctors in our timetable.